
Notification System Core

Dignite Abp Notification System is developed based on the Asp.Net Boilerplate Notification System and relies on the Distributed Event Bus for publishing and subscribing to notifications.


  • Install the Dignite.Abp.Notifications NuGet package in the Domain project.
  • Add DigniteAbpNotificationsModule to the [DependsOn(...)] attribute list in your module class.

If you have already installed the Notification Center Module, the Dignite.Abp.Notifications module is already installed.

Subscribing to Notifications

There are two ways to send notifications to users: sending them directly to specific users or sending them to subscribed users. Users subscribe to specific notifications, and when the system publishes such a notification, it is sent to all subscribed users.

Subscribing to Notifications Example

The INotificationSubscriptionManager provides methods to subscribe to notifications. Here's an example:

public class SubscribeService : MyModuleAppService, ISubscribeService
    private readonly INotificationSubscriptionManager _notificationSubscriptionManager;

    public SubscribeService(INotificationSubscriptionManager notificationSubscriptionManager)
        _notificationSubscriptionManager = notificationSubscriptionManager;

    /// <summary>
    /// Sends a notification to the user when a friend request is sent.
    /// </summary>
    public async Task Subscribe_SentFriendshipRequest()
        await _notificationSubscriptionManager.SubscribeAsync(CurrentUser.Id.Value, "SentFriendshipRequest");

    /// <summary>
    /// Subscribes to a notification associated with a specific entity (PhotoEntity). When a user comments on that entity, a notification is sent to subscribed users.
    /// </summary>
    public async Task Subscribe_CommentPhoto(Guid photoId)
        await _notificationSubscriptionManager.SubscribeAsync(CurrentUser.Id.Value, "CommentPhoto", new NotificationEntityIdentifier(typeof(PhotoEntity), photoId.ToString()));


The INotificationSubscriptionManager interface provides a set of methods to manage subscriptions:

  • Subscribe to a notification

    Task SubscribeAsync([NotNull] Guid userId, [NotNull] string notificationName, [CanBeNull] NotificationEntityIdentifier entityIdentifier = null)
    • userId: The ID of the subscribing user.
    • notificationName: The name of the notification to subscribe to.
    • entityIdentifier: Identifies a specific entity.
      • Type: The type of the specific entity.
      • Id: The ID of the specific entity.
  • Unsubscribe from a notification

    UnsubscribeAsync([NotNull] Guid userId, [NotNull] string notificationName, [CanBeNull] NotificationEntityIdentifier entityIdentifier = null)

    Parameters are the same as for subscription.

  • Subscribe to all available notifications

    Task SubscribeToAllAvailableNotificationsAsync([NotNull] Guid userId)
    • userId: The ID of the user to subscribe on behalf of.
  • Get all subscribers of a notification

    Task<List<NotificationSubscriptionInfo>> GetSubscriptionsAsync([NotNull] string notificationName, [CanBeNull] NotificationEntityIdentifier entityIdentifier = null)
    • notificationName: The name of the notification to get subscribers for.
    • entityIdentifier: Identifies a specific entity.
      • Type: The type of the specific entity.
      • Id: The ID of the specific entity.
  • Get all notifications subscribed by a user

    Task<List<NotificationSubscriptionInfo>> GetSubscribedNotificationsAsync([NotNull] Guid userId);
    • userId: The ID of the user to get subscribed notifications for.
  • Check if a user is subscribed to a particular notification

    Task<bool> IsSubscribedAsync([NotNull] Guid userId, [NotNull] string notificationName, [CanBeNull] NotificationEntityIdentifier entityIdentifier = null);
    • userId: The ID of the user to check.
    • notificationName: The name of the notification to check subscription for.
    • entityIdentifier: Identifies a specific entity.
      • Type: The type of the specific entity.
      • Id: The ID of the specific entity.

Publishing Notifications

The INotificationPublisher provides methods for publishing notifications.

  • Publishing a notification to specific users using the built-in MessageNotificationData

    public class PublishService : MyModuleAppService, IPublishService
        private readonly INotificationPublisher _notificationPublisher;
        public PublishService(INotificationPublisher notificationPublisher)
            _notificationPublisher = notificationPublisher;
        public async Task Publish_Message(string message, Guid targetUserId)
            await _notificationPublisher.PublishAsync("Message", new MessageNotificationData(message), userIds: new[] { targetUserId });
  • Publishing a notification to all subscribed users using the built-in LocalizableMessageNotificationData

    public class PublishService : MyModuleAppService, IPublishService
        private readonly INotificationPublisher _notificationPublisher;
        public PublishService(INotificationPublisher notificationPublisher)
            _notificationPublisher = notificationPublisher;
        public async Task Publish_LowDisk(int remainingDiskInMb)
            // MyLocalizationSourceName is the localization resource name.
            // LowDiskWarningMessage is the key for localized content.
            var data = new LocalizableMessageNotificationData("LowDiskWarningMessage", "MyLocalizationSourceName");
            data["remainingDiskInMb"] = remainingDiskInMb;
            await _notificationPublisher.PublishAsync("System.LowDisk", data, severity: NotificationSeverity.Warn);
  • Publishing a notification to the owner of a photo when a comment is made

    1. Create a notification data class that inherits from NotificationData:

      public class CommentPhotoNotificationData : NotificationData
          public string CommenterUserName { get; set; }
          public string Comment { get; set; }
          public CommentPhotoNotificationData(string commenterUserName, string comment)
              CommenterUserName = commenterUserName;
              Comment = comment;
    2. Publish the notification when a comment is made on a photo:

      public class PublishService : MyModuleAppService, IPublishService
          private readonly INotificationPublisher _notificationPublisher;
          public PublishService(INotificationPublisher notificationPublisher)
              _notificationPublisher = notificationPublisher;
          public async Task Publish_CommentPhoto(string commenterUserName, string comment, Guid photoId, Guid photoOwnerUserId)
              await _notificationPublisher.PublishAsync("CommentPhoto", new CommentPhotoNotificationData(commenterUserName, comment), new NotificationEntityIdentifier(typeof(PhotoEntity), photoId.ToString()), userIds: new[] { photoOwnerUserId });

Notifying Users

The Notification System uses the

Distributed Event Bus to send notification events between microservices or applications. Developers can subscribe to notification events using the IDistributedEventHandler<RealTimeNotifyEto>.

The Notification System includes a built-in real-time notification event system based on SignalR technology.

Installing SignalRNotifier

  • Install the Dignite.Abp.Notifications.SignalRNotifier NuGet package in the server-side project.
  • Add DigniteAbpNotificationsSignalRNotifierModule to the [DependsOn(...)] attribute list in your module class.

See also: Blazor Notification Center

Managing User Notifications

The IUserNotificationManager interface provides methods for managing user notifications:

  • Get user notifications

    Task<List<UserNotificationWithNotification>> GetUserNotificationsAsync(Guid userId, UserNotificationState? state = null, int skipCount = 0, int maxResultCount = int.MaxValue, DateTime? startDate = null, DateTime? endDate = null);
    • userId: The ID of the user.
    • state: Enumeration for read and unread notifications.
    • skipCount: The number of records to skip when paging through user notifications.
    • maxResultCount: The number of records to return.
    • startDate: The time range for user notifications.
    • endDate: The time range for user notifications.
  • Get the total count of user notifications

    Task<int> GetUserNotificationCountAsync(Guid userId, UserNotificationState? state = null, DateTime? startDate = null, DateTime? endDate = null);

    Parameters are the same as for the previous method.

  • Update the state of a user notification

    Task UpdateUserNotificationStateAsync(Guid userId, Guid notificationId, UserNotificationState state);
    • userId: The ID of the user.
    • notificationId: The ID of the notification.
    • state: Enumeration for read and unread notifications.
  • Update the state of all user notifications

    Task UpdateAllUserNotificationStatesAsync(Guid userId, UserNotificationState state);
    • userId: The ID of the user.
    • state: Enumeration for read and unread notifications.
  • Delete a user notification

    Task DeleteUserNotificationAsync(Guid userId, Guid notificationId);
    • userId: The ID of the user.
    • notificationId: The ID of the notification.
  • Delete a subset of user notifications

    Task DeleteAllUserNotificationsAsync(Guid userId, UserNotificationState? state = null, DateTime? startDate = null, DateTime? endDate = null);
    • userId: The ID of the user.
    • state: Enumeration for read and unread notifications.
    • startDate: The time range for user notifications.
    • endDate: The time range for user notifications.

Defining Notifications

Defining notifications is not mandatory, but it provides additional options for developers to create a personalized notification system.

A Simple Example

Inherit from NotificationDefinitionProvider to create a notification definition provider:

public class NotificationCenterSampleNotificationDefinitionProvider : NotificationDefinitionProvider
    public override void Define(INotificationDefinitionContext context)
        context.Add(new NotificationDefinition(NotificationCenterSampleNotifications.TestNotification, null, L("TestNotification"), L("TestNotificationDescription")));

    private static LocalizableString L(string name)
        return LocalizableString.Create<NotificationCenterSampleResource>(name);

Options for Notification Definitions

  • Name

    The unique name of the notification.

  • EntityType (optional)

    The entity type associated with this notification.

  • DisplayName (optional)

    The display name of the notification used for UI presentation.

  • Description (optional)

    A friendly description of the notification.

  • PermissionName (optional)

    The name of the permission. If a user has this permission, they can subscribe to the notification.

  • FeatureName (optional)

    The name of the feature. If this feature is enabled, tenants can use the notification.

  • Attributes (optional)

    Any objects related to this object, stored in a dictionary. Additionally, these objects must be serializable.

Managing Notification Definitions

The INotificationDefinitionManager interface provides methods for managing notification definitions:

  • Get a notification definition by its name

    NotificationDefinition Get(string name);
    • name: The name of the notification definition.
  • Get a notification definition that can be null

    This method does not throw an exception if a notification definition with the specified name is not found.

    NotificationDefinition GetOrNull(string name);
    • name: The name of the notification definition.
  • Get all notification definitions

    IReadOnlyList<NotificationDefinition> GetAll();
  • Check if a specified user has access to a notification definition by its name

    Task<bool> IsAvailableAsync(string name, Guid userId);
    • name: The name of the notification definition.
    • userId: The user's ID.
  • Get all available notification definitions for a specific user

    Task<IReadOnlyList<NotificationDefinition>> GetAllAvailableAsync(Guid userId);
    • userId: The user's ID.

To check if a user has permission to use a specific notification definition, you should use the Dignite.Abp.Notifications.Identity module in conjunction with it.

Notification Storage

The Notification System provides the INotificationStore interface to implement the persistence of notification and user subscription data. Developers can implement this interface or use the fully-featured Notification Center Module.

Further Reading

  • Notification Center Module

    The Notification Center Module is a comprehensive notification system that can be installed in your application system.

  • Blazor Notification System

    The Blazor Notification System is designed for installation in ASP.NET Blazor applications.
