
Multi-Tenant Localization

Multi-tenant localization allows each tenant to have its own set of localized content. This feature is useful for scenarios such as website design, where each tenant's website can use a localized system tailored to their specific needs.


  1. Install the Dignite.Abp.Localization NuGet package in your web project.
  2. Add DigniteAbpLocalizationModule to the [DependsOn(...)] attribute list in your module class.

Creating a Localization Resource File

Create a localization resource file class under the /Localization/ directory and add a MultiTenancyLocalizationResourceName attribute to the class, for example:

public class CmsResource

JSON localization files for tenants are located in the /Localization/ folder.

localization-resource-json-filesalt text

Folders are created based on the names of the tenants in the /Tenants/{TenantName}/Localization/ folder.


The content of JSON localization files looks like this:

  "HelloWorld": "Hello World!"

Retrieving Localized Text

Simple Usage in a Class

Simply inject the IStringLocalizer<TResource> service and use it as follows:

public class MyService : ITransientDependency
    private readonly IStringLocalizer<CmsResource> _localizer;

    public MyService(IStringLocalizer<CmsResource> localizer)
        _localizer = localizer;

    public void Foo()
        var str = _localizer["HelloWorld"];

Using in Razor Views/Pages

Inject the IStringLocalizer<TResource> service in Razor views/pages like this:

@inject IStringLocalizer<CmsResource> _localizer


Formatting Parameters

You can pass formatting parameters after the localization key. For example, if your message is Hello {0}, welcome!, you can pass the {0} parameter to the localizer like this: _localizer["HelloMessage", "John"].

For more details on using localization, refer to the Microsoft Localization Documentation.
