
File Explorer

    "DB": ["EF", "Mongo"]

The File Explorer is an application module for the ABP framework used to upload files and record file information.

Currently, only the Blazor version is available.


  • Install the Dignite.FileExplorer.Domain.Shared NuGet package in the Domain.Shared project.

    Add the FileExplorerDomainSharedModule to the [DependsOn(...)] property list in the module class.

  • Install the Dignite.FileExplorer.Domain NuGet package in the Domain project.

    Add the FileExplorerDomainModule to the [DependsOn(...)] property list in the module class.

  • Install the Dignite.FileExplorer.Application.Contracts NuGet package in the Application.Contracts project.

    Add FileExplorerApplicationContractsModule to the [DependsOn(...)] property list in the module class.

  • Install the Dignite.FileExplorer.Application NuGet package in the Application project.

    Add FileExplorerApplicationModule to the [DependsOn(...)] property list in the module class.

  • Install the Dignite.FileExplorer.HttpApi NuGet package in the HttpApi project.

    Add FileExplorerHttpApiModule to the [DependsOn(...)] property list in the module class.

Configuring the File Grid

The file grid allows you to separate containers into cells, making it easier to store files in cells.

For example, a picture of a car is divided into three cells: appearance, interior, and others.

Configure<AbpBlobStoringOptions>(options =>
    options.Containers.Configure<CarPictureContainer>(container =>
        container.SetFileGridConfiguration(fg => fg.FileCells = new List<FileCell>
            new FileCell("appearance",L("appearance")),               //Appearance
            new FileCell("interior",L("interior")),                   //Interior
            new FileCell("other",L("other")),                          //Others

Image Width and Height Resizer

This module introduces an image width and height resizer. When the uploaded image's width or height exceeds the configured dimensions, the resizer automatically compresses the image's width and height.

Configure allowed file types in the ConfigureServices method:

Configure<AbpBlobStoringOptions>(options =>
    options.Containers.Configure<ProfilePictureContainer>(container =>
        container.AddImageResizeHandler(handler =>
            handler.ImageWidth = 256;
            handler.ImageHeight = 256;

Configuring File Management Permissions

Restrict user access to files by configuring permissions.

In the ConfigureServices method in the Application project, configure allowed file types:

Configure<AbpBlobStoringOptions>(options =>
    options.Containers.Configure<ProfilePictureContainer>(container =>
        container.SetAuthorizationConfiguration(config =>
            config.CreateDirectoryPermissionName = CmsAdminPermissions.Entry.Create;  // Set permission to create folders
            config.CreateFilePermissionName = CmsAdminPermissions.Entry.Create;       // Set permission to upload files
            config.UpdateFilePermissionName = CmsAdminPermissions.Entry.Update;       // Set permission to modify file information
            config.DeleteFilePermissionName = CmsAdminPermissions.Entry.Delete;       // Set permission to delete files

Inheriting User Access to Business Objects

In many cases, files are associated with a business object, and users must have access to that business object to access its files.

  1. Configure authorization policies following Policy-Based Authorization in ASP.NET Core.

  2. Integrate policy authorization with file management.

    Inherit from the FileDescriptorEntityAuthorizationHandlerBase abstract class and override the GetResourceAsync method:

    public class EntryResourceAuthorizationHandler : FileDescriptorEntityAuthorizationHandlerBase<Entry>, ITransientDependency
         private readonly IRepository<Entry, Guid> _entryRepository;
         public EntryResourceAuthorizationHandler(IRepository<Entry, Guid> entryRepository)
             _entryRepository = entryRepository;
         public override async Task<Entry> GetResourceAsync(FileDescriptor file)
             var entryId = Guid.Parse(file.EntityId);
             var entry = await _entryRepository.GetAsync(entryId, false);
             return entry; 

    Configure it in the ConfigureServices method in the Application project like this:

    Configure<AbpBlobStoringOptions>(options =>
        options.Containers.Configure<ProfilePictureContainer>(container =>
            container.SetAuthorizationConfiguration(config =>
                config.CreateDirectoryPermissionName = CmsAdminPermissions.Entry.Create;  // Set permission to create folders
                config.CreateFilePermissionName = CmsAdminPermissions.Entry.Create;       // Set permission to upload files
                config.UpdateFilePermissionName = CmsAdminPermissions.Entry.Update;       // Set permission to modify file information
                config.DeleteFilePermissionName = CmsAdminPermissions.Entry.Delete;       // Set permission to delete files

BlobName Generator

By default, the BlobName is a newly generated Guid value. You can generate BlobNames according to your rules by implementing the IBlobNameGenerator interface. Here's an example:

public class YearMonthBlobNameGenerator : IBlobNameGenerator, ITransientDependency
    public Task<string> Create()
        return Task.FromResult(
            DateTime.Now.Year.ToString() + "/" + DateTime.Now.Month.ToString() + "/" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N")

Configure it in the ConfigureServices method in the Application project like this:

Configure<AbpBlobStoringOptions>(options =>
    options.Containers.Configure<ProfilePictureContainer>(container =>

File Upload

File Component

Users can select files without immediately uploading them to the server. They are uploaded to the server when the entire form is submitted.


  • Usage example:

    <FileEditComponent ContainerName="@ProfilePictureContainer.ContainerName" Multiple="true">
  • Specify the associated entity:

    <FileEditComponent ContainerName="@ProfilePictureContainer.ContainerName" Multiple="true" EntityId="7c804a75-665c-c575-13e5-3a07b0bbb0fe">
  • Component properties:

    • ContainerName

      Name of the file storage container.

      For more information about storage containers, see Typed IBlobContainer.

    • CellName

      The name of the file storage cell.

    • Multiple

      Whether to allow multiple file selection.

    • EntityId

      Identifier of the associated business object entity.

    • FileDescriptors

      List of uploaded files.

    • FileDescriptorsChanged

      Event triggered when the list of uploaded files changes.

    • FileDescriptorsContent

      Blazor template for rendering the list of uploaded files.

      For more information about Blazor templates, see ASP.NET Core Blazor Templated Components.

    • FileChanged

      Event triggered after selecting a file.

    • FilesContent

      Blazor template for rendering the selected files.

      For more information about Blazor templates, see ASP.NET Core Blazor Templated Components.

    • Validator

      Validation handler for the file component.

    • AsyncValidator

      Asynchronous validation handler for the file component.

File Picker Component

Users can select previously uploaded files or immediately upload a new file.


  • Usage example:

    <FilePickerComponent ContainerName="@ProfilePictureContainer.ContainerName" Multiple="false">                        
  • Specify the associated entity:

    <FilePickerComponent ContainerName="@ProfilePictureContainer.ContainerName" Multiple="true" EntityId="7c804a75-665c-c575-13e5-3a07b0bbb0fe">
  • Component properties:

    • ContainerName

      Name of the file storage container.

      For more information about storage containers, see Typed IBlobContainer.

    • CellName

      The name of the file storage cell.

    • Multiple

      Whether to allow multiple file selection.

    • EntityId

      Identifier of the associated business object entity.

    • FileDescriptors

      List of uploaded files.

    • FileDescriptorsChanged

      Event triggered when the list of uploaded files changes.

    • FileDescriptorsContent

      Blazor template for rendering the list of uploaded files.

      For more information about Blazor templates, see ASP.NET Core Blazor Templated Components.

    • OpeningFileExplorerModal

      Event triggered when opening the file selection modal.

    • Validator

      Validation handler for the file component.

    • AsyncValidator

      Asynchronous validation handler for the file component.
