
Dynamic Forms

Dignite.Abp.DynamicForms defines a set of forms that can dynamically manage extended data objects at runtime, commonly used in systems with custom fields such as product SKUs, online surveys, CMS, etc.

Dignite.Abp.DynamicForms provides various types of forms, including text boxes, dropdown menus, rich text editors, date pickers, file uploads, numeric boxes, etc.

The difference between Dignite.Abp.DynamicForms and Volo.Abp.ObjectExtending is as follows:

  • Volo.Abp.ObjectExtending: During the development phase of the system, software developers programmatically extend objects with additional properties.
  • Dignite.Abp.DynamicForms: During the runtime of the system, backend administrators customize the fields of objects.


  • Install the Dignite.Abp.DynamicForms NuGet package into the Domain.Shared project of the Abp project.

  • Add DigniteAbpDynamicFormsModule to the [DependsOn(...)] property list of the module class.

Get a Dynamic Form with a Specific Name

Inject the IFormControlSelector interface to get an instance of IFormControl for a specific form name.

public class DemoAppService : ApplicationService
    private readonly IFormControlSelector _formControlSelector;
    public DemoAppService(IFormControlSelector formControlSelector)
        _formControlSelector = formControlSelector;

    public IFormControl Get(string formControlName)
        var formControl = _formControlSelector.Get(formControlName);
        return formControl;

Developing a New Dynamic Form

Inherit from the FormControlBase abstract class to create a dynamic form class:

  • Name

    The unique name of the dynamic form, named using letters or letters+numbers, and case-sensitive.

  • DisplayName

    The localized string for the dynamic form, used for display on the UI.

  • GetConfiguration Method

    Returns the method to retrieve the configuration of the dynamic form. The following code is a reference code for obtaining the configuration of the TextEdit dynamic form:

    public override FormConfigurationBase GetConfiguration(FormConfigurationDictionary fieldConfiguration)
        return new TextEditConfiguration(fieldConfiguration);
  • Validate Method

    Method to validate the validity of form data.

Creating a Dynamic Form Example

SimpleTextboxFormControl dynamic form class:

The dynamic form class name must end with FormControl.

public class SimpleTextboxFormControl : FormControlBase
    public const string ControlName = "SimpleTextbox";

    public override string Name => ControlName;

    public override string DisplayName => L["DisplayName:SimpleTextbox"];

    public override void Validate(FormControlValidateArgs args)
        var configuration = new SimpleTextboxConfiguration(args.Field.FormConfiguration);

        if (args.Field.Value != null && !args.Field.Value.ToString().IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
            if (configuration.CharLimit < args.Field.Value.ToString().Length)
                    new System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.ValidationResult(
                        L["Validate:CharacterCountExceedsLimit", args.Field.DisplayName, configuration.CharLimit],
                        new[] { args.Field.Name }
            if (args.Field.Required)
                    new System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.ValidationResult(
                        L["Validate:Required", args.Field.DisplayName],
                        new[] { args.Field.Name }

    public override FormConfigurationBase GetConfiguration(FormConfigurationDictionary fieldConfiguration)
        return new SimpleTextboxConfiguration(fieldConfiguration);

SimpleTextboxConfiguration dynamic form configuration class:

public class SimpleTextboxConfiguration : FormConfigurationBase
    public string Placeholder
        get => ConfigurationDictionary.GetConfigurationOrDefault<string>("Placeholder", null);
        set => ConfigurationDictionary.SetConfiguration("Placeholder", value);

    public int CharLimit
        get => ConfigurationDictionary.GetConfigurationOrDefault("CharLimit", 64);
        set => ConfigurationDictionary.SetConfiguration("CharLimit", value);

    public SimpleTextboxConfiguration(FormConfigurationDictionary fieldConfiguration)
        : base(fieldConfiguration)

    public SimpleTextboxConfiguration()
        : base()

Further Reading

Best examples
