Blazor Ckeditor Component
"UI": ["Blazor", "BlazorServer"]
The Blazor version of Ckeditor is suitable for both Blazor Server and Blazor WebAssembly.
- Install the
NuGet package in your Blazor project.
Import the following namespace at the top of your page:
@using Dignite.Abp.AspNetCore.Components.CkEditor
Basic Usage
<CkEditor @bind-Content="Content">
public partial class TestCkEditor
// Get or set the content of the Ckeditor
public string Content { get; set; } = "CkEditor Default Content";
Upload Images
First, set the container for storing images. For specific steps, please refer to ABP BlobStoring and Dignite Abp Files.
In this example, it's assumed that a container named
has already been created.
<CkEditor @bind-Content="Content" ImagesContainerName="TestPicStore">
Click the Insert Image
tool, select a local file to upload it to the container named TestPicStore
, and insert it into the editing area.
Insert Video Media
In addition to the media supported by Ckeditor
by default, this component also supports Tencent Video
, Youku Video
, and Xigua Video
Video Media Parsing
Since Ckeditor
converts inserted media into code like the following:
<figure class="media"><oembed url=""></oembed></figure>
You need to parse the video media from Ckeditor
in the output page. Here's a sample code:
* Parse videos inserted from ckeditor
$(function () {
// Select all <figure> elements with class "media"
var figureElements = document.querySelectorAll('');
var mediaEmbedProviders = [
name: 'ixigua',
url: /^https:\/\/www\.ixigua\.com\/(\d+)(\?logTag=[\w\d]+)?/,
html: match => {
return `<iframe src='${match[1]}?autoplay=0' title="Ixigua video player" allowFullScreen></iframe>`;
name: 'youtube',
url: /https:\/\/www\.youtube\.com\/watch\?v=([^"']+)?/,
html: match => {
return `<iframe src="${match[1]}" title="YouTube video player" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>`;
// Loop through each <figure> element
figureElements.forEach(function (figure) {
var oembedElement = figure.firstChild;
mediaEmbedProviders.forEach(function (provider) {
var match = oembedElement.getAttribute('url').match(provider.url);
if (match && match.length > 1) {
var videoContainer = document.createElement('div');
videoContainer.classList.add('ratio', 'ratio-16x9');
videoContainer.innerHTML = provider.html(match);