CkEditor Dynamic Form

The CkEditor dynamic form component is part of the Dignite.Abp.DynamicForms module. For information on developing dynamic form components, please refer to Blazor Dynamic Form Components.


To use the CkEditor dynamic form component:

  1. Install the Dignite.Abp.DynamicForms.CkEditor NuGet package in the Application Layer of your Contracts project.

  2. Add DigniteAbpDynamicFormsCkEditorModule to the [DependsOn(...)] attribute list of your module class.

  3. Install the Dignite.Abp.DynamicForms.Components.CkEditor NuGet package in your Blazor project.

  4. Add DigniteAbpDynamicFormsComponentsCkEditorModule to the [DependsOn(...)] attribute list of your module class.

The screenshot below shows the configuration of the CkEditor dynamic form in the Dignite CMS backend:

