
File Storage Management

File management is an application module built on top of ABP BlobStoring. It provides features for file uploads, including file type validation and file size validation. Additionally, developers can add custom processing logic.

Before delving into the usage of this module, it is essential to thoroughly read the ABP BlobStoring documentation.


Here are the steps to install the File Management module:

  1. Install the Dignite.Abp.Files.Domain.Shared NuGet package into your Domain.Shared project.

  2. Add DigniteAbpFilesDomainSharedModule to the [DependsOn(...)] attribute list of your module class.

  3. Install the Dignite.Abp.Files.Domain NuGet package into your Domain project.

  4. Add DigniteAbpFilesDomainModule to the [DependsOn(...)] attribute list of your module class.

  5. Install the Dignite.Abp.Files.EntityFrameworkCore NuGet package into your EntityFrameworkCore project.

  6. Add DigniteAbpFilesEntityFrameworkCoreModule to the [DependsOn(...)] attribute list of your module class.

File Storage Handlers

In addition to configuring ABP BlobStoring, this module introduces two file handlers:

  • File Upload Type Configuration

    Configure allowed file types in the ConfigureServices method:

    Configure<AbpBlobStoringOptions>(options =>
        options.Containers.Configure<ProfilePictureContainer>(container =>
            container.AddFileTypeCheckHandler(config =>
                config.AllowedFileTypeNames = new string[] { ".jpeg",".jpg",".png" }
  • File Upload Size Configuration

    Configure maximum file upload size in the ConfigureServices method:

    Configure<AbpBlobStoringOptions>(options =>
        options.Containers.Configure<ProfilePictureContainer>(container =>
            container.AddFileSizeLimitHandler(config =>
                config.MaxFileSize = 1024    // Limit file size (KB)

Creating File Handlers

  1. Create a configuration class to store handler-specific settings:

    using Volo.Abp.BlobStoring;
    namespace Dignite.Abp.BlobStoring
        public class MyCustomFileHandlerConfiguration
            public string Option1
                get => _containerConfiguration.GetConfigurationOrDefault<string>("MyCustomFileHandlerOption", null);
                set => _containerConfiguration.SetConfiguration("MyCustomFileHandlerOption", value);
            private readonly BlobContainerConfiguration _containerConfiguration;
            public MyCustomFileHandlerConfiguration(BlobContainerConfiguration containerConfiguration)
                _containerConfiguration = containerConfiguration;

    Then, add the following extension method in the MyCustomHandlerBlobContainerConfigurationExtensions class:

    public static MyCustomFileHandlerConfiguration GetMyCustomFileHandlerConfiguration(
        this BlobContainerConfiguration containerConfiguration)
        return new MyCustomFileHandlerConfiguration(containerConfiguration);
  2. Create an extension method for BlobContainerConfiguration:

    using System;
    using Volo.Abp.BlobStoring;
    using Volo.Abp.Collections;
    namespace Dignite.Demo
        public static class MyCustomHandlerBlobContainerConfigurationExtensions
            public static void AddMyCustomHandler(
                this BlobContainerConfiguration containerConfiguration,
                Action<MyCustomFileHandlerConfiguration> configureAction)
                var fileProcessHandlers = containerConfiguration.GetConfigurationOrDefault(
                    new TypeList<IFileHandler>());
                if (fileProcessHandlers.TryAdd<MyCustomFileHandler>())
                    configureAction(new MyCustomFileHandlerConfiguration(containerConfiguration));
  3. Create a class that implements the IFileHandler interface:

    Implement the IFileHandler interface to build a custom handler that suits your business needs:

    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using Volo.Abp;
    using Volo.Abp.DependencyInjection;
    namespace Dignite.Demo
        public class MyCustomFileHandler : IFileHandler, ITransientDependency
            public Task ExecuteAsync(FileHandlerContext context)
                var configuration = context.ContainerConfiguration.GetMyCustomFileHandlerConfiguration();
                // Handle file stream here
                return Task.CompletedTask;
  4. Configure the handler in the ConfigureServices method:

    Configure<AbpBlobStoringOptions>(options =>
        options.Containers.Configure<MyCustomFileHandlerConfiguration>(container =>
            container.AddMyCustomHandler(config =>
                config.Option1 = "abc"

File Information Persistence

The File Storage Management module provides interfaces to standardize the development of file information persistence.

IFile Interface

IFile is an interface that represents file information and provides the following basic properties:

  • ContainerName: The name of the storage container where the file is stored. See Typed IBlobContainer.

  • BlobName: Corresponds to the BlobName in BLOB storage.

  • Size: The size of the file in bytes.

  • Name: The name of the file.

  • MimeType: The MIME type of the file. For example, the MIME type for an image may be .jpeg, .jpg, or .png.

  • Md5: The MD5 hash of the file. This is used to verify whether a user-uploaded file already exists in the container.

  • ReferBlobName: In the same container, if the same file is uploaded again, the system won't store the file again but will instead reference the BlobName of the existing file. This mechanism helps save storage space for duplicate files.

FileBase Abstract Class

FileBase is an implementation of the IFile interface. Developers can use FileBase as the base class for file information.

IFileStore Interface

IFileStore is a generic interface that provides a series of methods for CRUD operations on IFile objects.

FileManager<TFile, TFileStore> Abstract Class

FileManager is a generic abstract class that encapsulates a series of methods from IFileStore.

A complete implementation of these concepts can be found in the

File Explorer module.

Configuring EF Core Entity

Dignite.Abp.Files.EntityFrameworkCore provides a convenient extension method to configure properties inherited from the IFile interface.

Use ConfigureAbpFiles<TFile> to configure the fields of IFile. Add this configuration in the OnModelCreating method of your DbContext:

protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder builder)
    // Always call the base method

    builder.Entity<FileDescriptor>(b =>
        // Configure the table


        // Configure ABP File properties

For information about the FileDescriptor object, please refer to the source code of the File Explorer module.

Continue Reading

  • File Explorer Module A comprehensive file management module that provides features for managing directories and files.