
Blazor Dynamic Form Components

This article will introduce how to develop interactive Blazor dynamic form components for user data.

Dynamic form components are divided into three categories: form configuration components, form control components, and form data display components. Let's explore each one.


  • Install the Dignite.Abp.DynamicForms.Components NuGet package into the project where you are developing the Blazor dynamic form components.

  • Add DigniteAbpDynamicFormsComponentsModule to the [DependsOn(...)] property list of the module class.

Form Configuration Components

Form configuration components are used to configure the parameters of dynamic forms.

Inherit from the FormConfigurationComponentBase class to create a dynamic form component. Here's an example of the code:

@using Dignite.Abp.DynamicForms.Textbox
@inherits FormConfigurationComponentBase<TextEditFormControl, TextEditConfiguration>

        <TextEdit @bind-Text="@FormConfiguration.Placeholder" />
    <RadioGroup TValue="TextEditMode" Name="textboxMode" @bind-CheckedValue="@FormConfiguration.Mode">
        <Radio TValue="TextEditMode" Value="@TextEditMode.SingleLine">@L["SingleLine"]</Radio>
        <Radio TValue="TextEditMode" Value="@TextEditMode.MultipleLine">@L["MultipleLine"]</Radio>
    <NumericEdit @bind-Value="@FormConfiguration.CharLimit" />

IFormConfigurationComponentSelector Interface

This interface provides the IFormConfigurationComponent Get(string formControlName) method, which allows you to obtain the configuration component for a dynamic form.

By injecting the IFormConfigurationComponentSelector interface, you can get an instance of IFormConfigurationComponent for a specified dynamic form name. Example:

@inject IFormConfigurationComponentSelector ConfigurationComponentSelector
    var component = configurationComponentSelector.Get("TextEdit");

Form Control Components

Form control components are used for data interaction between the system and users.

Inherit from the FormControlComponentBase class to create a dynamic form component. Here's an example of the code:

@using Dignite.Abp.DynamicForms.Textbox
@inherits FormControlComponentBase<TextEditFormControl, TextEditConfiguration, string>

<Validation Validator="@ValidateIsRequired">
            @if (FormConfiguration.Mode == TextEditMode.SingleLine)
                <TextEdit Placeholder="@FormConfiguration.Placeholder" MaxLength="@FormConfiguration.CharLimit" Text="@Field.Value?.ToString()" TextChanged="@ChangeValueAsync">
                        <ValidationError />
                <MemoEdit Rows="5" AutoSize Placeholder="@FormConfiguration.Placeholder" MaxLength="@FormConfiguration.CharLimit" Text="@Field.Value?.ToString()" TextChanged="@ChangeValueAsync">
                        <ValidationError />
    void ValidateIsRequired(ValidatorEventArgs e)
        if (Field.Required)
            var value = e.Value == null ? string.Empty : Convert.ToString(e.Value);
            e.Status = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value) ? ValidationStatus.Error : ValidationStatus.Success;

IFormControlComponentSelector Interface

This interface provides the IFormControlComponent Get(string formControlName) method, which allows you to obtain the control component for a dynamic form.

By injecting the IFormControlComponentSelector interface, you can get an instance of IFormControlComponent for a specified dynamic form name. Example:

@inject IFormControlComponentSelector FormComponentSelector
    var component = FormComponentSelector.Get("TextEdit");

Form Data Display Components

Form data display components are used to present form data on the UI.

Inherit from the FormViewComponentBase class to create a dynamic form component. Here's an example of the code:

@using Dignite.Abp.DynamicForms.Textbox
@inherits FormViewComponentBase<TextEditFormControl, TextEditConfiguration>


IFormViewComponentSelector Interface

This interface provides the IFormViewComponent Get(string formControlName) method, which allows you to obtain the view component for a dynamic form.

By injecting the IFormViewComponentSelector interface, you can get an instance of IFormViewComponent for a specified dynamic form name. Example:

@inject IFormViewComponentSelector FieldComponentSelector
    var component = FieldComponentSelector.Get("TextEdit");