
Tag Helpers

To assist web developers in quickly developing websites, Dignite Cms provides a series of Tag Helpers to simplify the development process of data retrieval and display.

Entry List

cms-entry-list is used to retrieve a list of entries, passing the EntryListViewModel type view model to the partial view.

Example of cms-entry-list

Basic usage:


_post-list.cshtml code

@using Dignite.Cms.Public.Web.Models;
@using Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.UI.Bootstrap.TagHelpers.Pagination;
@model EntryListViewModel
    var pagerModel = new PagerModel(Model.TotalCount, 10, Model.PageIndex, Model.PageSize, Context.Request.Path);
 <div class="list-group mb-5">
    @foreach (var entry in Model.Entries)
        <a section="Model.Section" entry="entry" class="list-group-item list-group-item-action">
            <div class="d-flex w-100 justify-content-between mt-2">
                <h5 class="mb-1">@entry.Title</h5>
                <span class="text-muted">@entry.PublishTime</span>
<nav aria-label="Pagination navigation" class=" mb-5">
    <div class="flex-grow-1">
        <abp-paginator model="pagerModel" show-info="false" />

Return 10 entries:


Specify the current language:


Query by field value:

Retrieve a list of entries based on blog post category

@using Dignite.Abp.Data;
@using Dignite.Cms.Public.Web.Models;
@model EntryViewModel
    //current category
    var category = Context.Request.Query["category"].ToString();
    IList<QueryingByField> parameters = null;
    if (!category.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
        parameters = new List<QueryingByField>
            new QueryingByField("BlogCategory",category)

Parameters of cms-entry-list

  • site-id: Specifies the ID of the site
  • section-name: Specifies the name of the section
  • current-page: Specifies the page number, default value: 1
  • max-result-count: Specifies the number of results to return, default value: 20
  • culture: Specifies the language, default value is the default language of the site
  • querying-by-fields: Query entries by field values (refer to Advanced Development document)
  • filter: Filter strings in the entry title
  • partial-name: Specifies the partial view name

Parameters of EntryListViewModel class

  • Section: The section DTO to which the list of entries belongs
  • Entries: The list of entry DTOs
  • TotalCount: Total number of entries
  • PageIndex: Page index value
  • PageSize: Number of entries per page
  • CurrentPage: Current page number
  • TotalPage: Total number of pages


cms-entry is used to retrieve a single entry, passing the EntryViewModel type view model to the view.

Example of cms-entry


_contact-section.cshtml code

@using Dignite.Cms.Public.Web.Models;
@model EntryViewModel
<section class="container mb-5">
    <h2 class="fs-1 fw-semibold lh-base mb-3">@Model.Entry.Title</h2>
    <div class="lead mb-5">
        <cms-entry-field field-name="TextboxFieldName" entry="Model"></cms-entry-field>
    <a class="underline-animate ms-3 btn btn-outline-primary" section="@Model.Section" entry="Model.Entry">@localizer["contact-us"]</a>

Parameters of cms-entry

  • site-id: Specifies the ID of the site
  • section-name: Specifies the name of the section
  • culture: Specifies the language, default value: the default language of the site
  • slug: Specifies the alias of the entry
  • partial-name: Specifies the partial view name

Properties of EntryViewModel

  • Entry: The entry DTO of type EntryDto
  • Section: The section DTO of type SectionDto

Entry Field

cms-entry-field is used to display entry fields, passing the EntryFieldViewModel type view model to the view.

Example of cms-entry-field

Basic usage:

<cms-entry-field field-name="TextboxFieldName" entry="Model"></cms-entry-field>

Outputs the value of the TextboxFieldName field in the Entry entry on the current page. By default, it passes the EntryFieldViewModel type view model to the /Views/Shared/TextEdit.cshtml view.

Specify the field partial view page:

<cms-entry-field field-name="image" entry="Model" partial-name="_banner"></cms-entry-field>


@using Dignite.Abp.Data
@using Dignite.Cms.Public.Web.Models;
@using Dignite.Abp.DynamicForms;
@using Dignite.FileExplorer.Files;
@model EntryFieldViewModel
    var files = Model.Entry.GetField<List<FileDescriptorDto>>(Model.Field.Name);
    FileDescriptorDto coverImage = (files != null && files.Any()) ? files[0] : null;
    var imgUrl =  $"/api/file-explorer/files/{coverImage?.ContainerName}/{coverImage?.BlobName}?width=1650&height=800";
@if (coverImage != null)
    <img src="@imgUrl" class="img-fluid rounded" alt="@coverImage?.Name">

Parameters of cms-entry-field

  • field-name: The name of the field in the entry
  • entry: An instance of type EntryViewModel, usually the ViewModel of the current page
  • partial-name: The partial view page used to display the field value

Properties of EntryFieldViewModel

  • Field: An instance of type FormField
  • Entry: An instance of type implementing IHasCustomFields

EntryDto is an instance of IHasCustomFields interface.

Predefined Field Views

Dignite Cms Mvc has built-in view files for dynamic fields, named after the dynamic field type, placed in the /Views/Shared/ directory of the Dignite.Cms.Public.Web project:

Dynamic Field Views


cms-field is used to display field values, passing the EntryFieldViewModel type view model to the view.

Taking the Service Project entry /Views/Entry/Service/Entry.cshtml as an example:

<cms-entry-field field-name="Services" entry="Model"></cms-entry-field>

Services is a matrix type field, which first calls the Dignite.Cms.Public.Web project /Views/Shared/Matrix.cshtml view file, and then internally calls the view of Fields/Matrix/{matrix-block-name}.

In the Service Project entry example, call the Fields/Matrix/service-item view, the complete view path is: /Views/Shared/Fields/Matrix/service-item.cshtml:

@using Dignite.Cms.Public.Web.Models;
@model MatrixBlockViewModel
    var nameField = Model.Type.Fields.First(fd => fd.Name == "name");
    var descriptionField = Model.Type.Fields.First(fd => fd.Name == "description");
<h2 class="fs-2 mb-3 fw-bold lh-base">
    <cms-field field="nameField" entry="Model.Block"></cms-field>
<div class="rich-text mb-5">
    <cms-field field="descriptionField" entry="Model.Block"></cms-field>

Parameters of cms-field

  • field: An instance of type FormField
  • entry: An instance of type IHasCustomFields
  • partial-name: The partial view page used to display the field value

Entry Links

Based on Entry Object

@model EntryListViewModel
@foreach (var entry in Model.Entries)
    <a section="Model.Section" entry="entry">

Based on Path

<a entry-path="~/blog">

Optional parameters:

  • culture: Specifies the language of the entry
  • host: Specifies the site host address


cms-section is used to call section data, passing the SectionDto type view model to the view.

<cms-section section-name="blog-post" partial-name="_blog-post-index">