
Advanced Development

Querying Entries by Fields


The cms-entry-list component has a parameter for querying entries by field values (querying-by-fields), which is a list of instances of the QueryingByField class. Each QueryingByField instance contains two parameters:

  • Name: The name of the field.

  • Value: The field value used for querying. Depending on the type of field, the value takes different forms:

    • TextFieldQuerying: Filters by whether the field contains the specified Value.

    • SwitchFieldQuerying: The Value must be convertible to a bool, and filters by whether the value equals the specified Value.

    • NumericFieldQuerying: The Value is formatted as minValue-maxValue, filtering by whether the field value is greater than minValue and less than maxValue.

    • SelectFieldQuerying: The Value is a comma-separated list of Guid values, filtering by whether the field value contains any of the Guid values in Value.

    • EntryFieldQuerying: The Value is a comma-separated list of Guid values, filtering by whether the field value contains any of the Guid values in Value.

      More supported querying methods will be provided in future versions.

GetListAsync(GetEntriesInput input) Method

The GetListAsync(GetEntriesInput input) method in IEntryPublicAppService accepts a string parameter named QueryingByFieldsJson, which represents a serialized list of QueryingByField objects.

In fact, internally, the cms-entry-list component serializes the list of QueryingByField objects into JSON and passes it to the QueryingByFieldsJson parameter of the GetListAsync(GetEntriesInput input) method in IEntryPublicAppService.

Resolve Current Tenant by Domain Name

Dignite Cms provides the functionality to determine the current tenant based on the domain name:

  1. Install the Dignite.Cms.AspNetCore.MultiTenancy NuGet package into the Web Site project.

    Add CmsAspNetCoreMultiTenancyModule to the [DependsOn(...)] attribute list in your module class.

  2. Add the following configuration to the Module file of the Web Site:

Configure<AbpTenantResolveOptions>(options =>
    // Resolve current tenant by domain name

For the official documentation on determining the current tenant, please refer to: Determining the Current Tenant
