
Installation Guide

Dignite Cms is a standard Abp application module, and it can be easily integrated into your application system through the following steps.


  • This module depends on the Blob Storing module to store media content.

    Make sure that the BlobStoring module is installed and at least one provider is correctly configured. Please refer to the documentation for more information.

  • Dignite CMS uses Distributed Caching to improve response speed.

    It is strongly recommended to use distributed caching for achieving data consistency in distributed/clustered deployments, such as using Redis.

Core Package Installation

  1. Install the Dignite.Cms.Domain.Shared NuGet package into the Domain.Shared project.

    Then add CmsDomainSharedModule to the [DependsOn(...)] attribute list of your module class.

  2. Install the Dignite.Cms.Domain NuGet package into the Domain project.

    Similarly, add CmsDomainModule to the module class.

  3. Install the Dignite.Cms.EntityFrameworkCore NuGet package into the Entity Framework Core project.

    Add CmsEntityFrameworkCoreModule to the [DependsOn(...)] attribute list of your module class.

    Add the following configuration to the OnModelCreating() method:

    protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)

    Open the Package Manager Console in Visual Studio, select DbMigrations as the default project, and then run the following command to add a migration for the CMS module:

    add-migration Add_Cms_Module

    Then execute the following command to update the database:


Application Package Installation

This module follows the Best Practices for Module Development and consists of multiple NuGet and NPM packages. If you want to understand the packages and their relationships, please refer to the guide.

Dignite CMS packages are designed for various usage scenarios. If you browse the Dignite CMS packages, you will see some packages with Admin and Public suffixes. The module has two application layers because they may be used in different types of applications.

  • Dignite.Cms.Admin.* packages include the functionality required for the admin dashboard application.
  • Dignite.Cms.Public.* packages include the functionality on the frontend website.
  • Dignite.Cms.* (without Admin/Public suffix) packages are called unified packages. Unified packages are snapshots of adding Admin and Public (related layer) packages. If you have a single application for both admin and public websites, you can use these packages.

Website Package Installation

Install the Dignite.Cms.Public.Web NuGet package into the Web project.

Add CmsPublicWebModule to the [DependsOn(...)] attribute list of your module class.

Configure Localization

Multiple languages have been selected for the site in the admin dashboard, and the corresponding language options need to be configured in the Web site:

Configure<AbpLocalizationOptions>(options =>
    options.Languages.Add(new LanguageInfo("en", "en", "English"));
    options.Languages.Add(new LanguageInfo("ja", "ja", "日本語"));
    options.Languages.Add(new LanguageInfo("zh-hans", "zh-Hans", "简体中文"));
    options.Languages.Add(new LanguageInfo("zh-hant", "zh-Hant", "繁體中文"));

Enable CMS Routing

Add the CMS routing middleware app.UseCmsControllerRoute(); after the app.UseMultiTenancy(); middleware.

//Configuring CMS Routing

Additionally, to work with the CMS routing feature, please remove the app.UseAbpRequestLocalization(); middleware and then add the following code befor the app.UseCmsControllerRoute(); middleware:

app.UseAbpRequestLocalization(options =>
        new CmsRouteRequestCultureProvider()

Internal Structure

Table/Collection Prefix & Schema

All tables/collections use Cms as the default prefix. If you need to change the table prefix or set a schema name (if supported by your database provider), please set static properties in the CmsDbProperties class.

Connection String

This module uses Cms as the connection string name. If you haven't defined a connection string with this name, it will fall back to the Default connection string.

For more information, please refer to the Connection Strings documentation.


  • The API for the admin module uses CmsAdmin as the name of the remote service API. If you haven't used this name, it will fall back to the Default remote service API name.

  • The API for the public module uses CmsPublic as the name of the remote service API. If you haven't used this name, it will fall back to the Default remote service API name.
